Wednesday, May 21, 2014

101 Domains Domain Information Update ".in" domains.

Asian domains: India (.in)

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Indian domain type, ie. “in”. Therefore to search “” enter “101domains” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

Once the domain is registered

All Indian domain names registered with us are stored on our international server. Domains registered with us are automatically provided with their own under-construction page - this notifies potential registrants that the name has been acquired and is now registered. The under-construction page is offered free of charge and may be used indefinitely.

It is possible for Web and/or Mail forwarding to be provided for Indian domains.

Domain transfer/release fees are charged are by a majority of registrars, but 101 Domains make no charge to transfer a domain to another Indian domain name registrar.


The official registrar who manage the ccTLD .in, India, is INRegistry. They were chosen for this role by the government of India, meaning that they are fit for the job. The INRegistry is administered by NIXI, and abbreviation for the National Internet eXchange of India.

NIXI wasn't always in charge of managing the .in domain names, previously the role was in the hands of C-DAC until December 2005. Yet, it was only until January 2006 that they stopped domain registrations, still keeping the company going until this date even if they were not the official registrars. All cof C-DAC's clients were made to transfer their names to another registrar of their choice.

There are various second level domains that NIXI manage and they will be displayed below. Registrations for these sub domains are available to anyone and no local presence is needed. They are as follows:

  • .in
  • General
  • Individuals

When deciding the name for your .in domain name, the following conditions must be read and met:

  • The minimum characters in the domain name is 3, the maximum 63. This does not include 'http://www.' or '.in'.
  • Any character from the Roman Alphabet (a-z) can be used.
  • Digits 0-9 are allowed.
  • The only special characters that can be used are hyphens (-). The name cannot begin nor end with a hyphen. Hyphens cannot be put in the third or fourth position as it will cause rejection. This is due to the punycode.

Though not currently allowed, it is planned that in the future, IDN registrations will be acceptable. IDN stands for International Domain Name. This means that tamil, hindi and other Indian languages will be possible for use in the domain name. Please wait for the announcement for when these will be allowed.

It is possible to transfer your domain name to a different registrar, yet it must be done after 60 days following the creation of said domain name. The transfer adds a year to the term of the domain name, this being charged to the new registrar.

All one character or two character domain names are reserved for NIXI and are not available for the public.

International domain names from 101 Domains since 1997

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