Wednesday, December 4, 2013

101 Domains Domain Information Update ".it" domains.

European domains: Italy (.it)

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Italian domain type, ie. “it”. Therefore to search “” enter “101domains” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

Once the domain is registered

All Italian domain names registered with us are stored on our international server. Domains registered with us are automatically provided with their own under-construction page - this notifies potential registrants that the name has been acquired and is now registered. The under-construction page is offered free of charge and may be used indefinitely.

It is possible for Web and/or Mail forwarding to be provided for Italian domains.

Domain transfer/release fees are charged are by a majority of registrars, but 101 Domains make no charge to transfer a domain to another Italian domain name registrar.


Managing and assigning the registry of the domain .it for Italy is the ccTLD '.it' Registry. This was developed by IIT-CNR, an abbreviation for the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Providing service to the Internet Service Providers is the ccTLD .it Registry, needing to sign a contract to be able to register directly unto .it. The role of the Registry is also held by CNR due to their technical and scientific skills in the area, something which was recognised and chosen by the Internet Assigned Naming Authority, also known as IANA.

Various domain names under the ccTLD .it are reserved by the Registry, mostly being names that refer to geographical locations in Italy, for example is the official domain name for the government and having a name like that which is easy to remember has increased its use. A domain name in the form of are for Educational purposes.

Though there is no limits on the amount of domain names one person can register, only those who posses citizenship or live in one of the countries within the European Union can apply. of a .it ccTLD.

When choosing the name of your .it domain name, the following regulations must be met:

  • The maximum length for a .it domain name is 63 characters.
  • The minimum length for a .it domain name is 3 characters. For these two points, it does not include the 'http://www.' or the '.it'.
  • Use of numbers 0-9 is allowed.
  • Characters a-z and ASCII can be used.
  • Hyphens (-) are the only special characters allowed. A domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen and two hyphens cannot follow after each other.

Once you have received a domain name under .it, it will last the duration of one year. This starts from when it is first registered or when the change of maintainer or registrant happens. An example of this is when a domain name is transfered to BB-Online as a registrar on the 5th of January 2008, it will expire the following year on the 5th January 2009.

Through statistics, it has been shown that 1,708,297 domain names were registered on July 8th, 2009 under the top level domain ".it".

International domain names from 101 Domains since 1997

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